Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Part 3 - Steps to Personal Transformation

Step 3 – Abundance

Do you have an abundance mentality? Dr. Wayne Dyer writes “It is a simple procedure to calculate the number of seeds in an apple. But who among us can ever say how many apples are in a seed? The reason that no one can say how many apples are in a seed is that the answer is infinite. Endless! That is what the abundance principle is all about: endlessness.

These concepts of infinity, endlessness, and abundance to us a humans are difficult concepts to understand. We as human beings have a beginning and an end in our life cycle, therefore everything we think about we try to put boundaries or limits on. We try to compartmentalize or box thoughts, concepts, and even money into something with limits, when in fact most things do not have limits.

Dr. Dwyer states “it is difficult to imagine that the universe has any boundaries, or that it simply ends someplace. If it does, what’s at the end? And so I suggest there is no end to the universe, and there is not end to what you can have for yourself when this principle is part of your life.”

In my opinion this could be the most important part of personal transformation, realizing that there are no limits to what you can obtain, and abundance really is an obtainable thing.

In another book entitled The Top Ten Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class, author Keith Smith breaks down the goals of our social economic classes of people and asserts that the primary goal for the poor is survival, the primary goal for the middle-class is comfort, and the primary goal for the rich is abundance. He also believes that the reason the poor seek to survive and the middle class seeks to be comfortable is that they have a scarcity mentality. They believe that there is not enough money for everyone to have more than enough. The rich on the other hand know the truth, and that is that there is enough money for everyone for have more than enough, which is an abundance mentality.

So how do we transcend a scarcity mentality? Dr. Dwyer states “The first step toward discarding a scarcity mentality involves giving thanks for everything that you are and everything that you have.” You have to be thankful for what you have regardless of how much or little, before you can have and appreciate more.

The second principle we need to understand when it come to abundance is that abundance does not start and end with money. Dr. Dwyer states, “abundance is not something that we acquire. It is something we tune into. This thought is paramount to making the abundance principle function in our lives. Keep in mind that there is an infinite supply of energy in the universe, and that everything, including you very for and all of your accumulations, is essentially energy.”

How do you accumulate an abundance of wealth? Well you first have to accumulate and abundance of energy. What is energy? Energy is fuel.

First you must determine what is your fuel that you will need an abundance of in order to create an abundance of wealth. What is your path to wealth? What type of fuel do you need to propel yourself down that path, and how much do you need to have an abundance.

When you answer these questions, you will be able to better see what abundance means to you and how you can obtain it.

It's a Good Life!!!
Greg NovakMBA

Office - 386-756-8228
Cell - 386-846-6686
Fax - 386-756-8108
Web site -

Oh, by the way, if you know someone who is thinking about buying or refinancing a home, please give me a call with their name and number, I will be happy to follow up with them for you.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Part 2 - Steps to Personal Transformation

Step 2 – Thought

Wayne Dyer says “Thought is much more than something you do. It is in fact what you, and all the rest of us, are as well. Thought constitutes our entire being except for the portion of us that is form, or the packaging that carries around our minds… Here is a mini-lesson in what thought is. Your desire to improve your life is really your thought to improve your life. Your will to live is really your thought to live. Your attitudes about your entire life are really your thoughts on these matters… Your determination to succeed is nothing more than your thought to do so. The idea of success is really the thought of success.”

Why is “Thought” such an important part of personal transformation? Have you ever heard of Stinking Thinking, and the opposite, positive thinking.

Your thoughts and what you believe about yourself are probably the most important key to personal transformation. Henry Ford said “Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, your right.” Your thoughts really do determine who you are. If you read this and think to yourself, “this personal growth and positive thinking is just a bunch of garbage, my thoughts are not going to make me wealthy or a better person, only my actions and abilities are going to do that.” Well where do you think your actions come from? Your thoughts. You do not just get up and start doing something, you have to think about it first and then you do.

Now positive thinking is not going to give you the ability to do everything to want to do, but it will help you do everything better than negative thinking will. Our physical being does limit us in certain ways. Positive thinking is not going to make 6 foot 5 NFL offensive lineman win the Kentucky Derby as a horse jockey. But with the right positive thinking and research, that offensive lineman might be able to buy a horse, hire a tiny jockey, and win the Kentucky Derby as an owner.

The biggest problem people have today in my opinion is a lack of perspective. That lack of perspective leads to negative thinking. People complain all the time about their jobs and how much they hate going to work. it makes me want to tell them to be grateful that you even have a job at all. There are probably a million people who are out of work and would love to have your job or any job at all. If you just sent half the time thinking about the positive things at your job, or ways to make your job more enjoyable, you would enjoy your job more, and with a positive attitude an progressive thinking, you might even get promotions and raises. Very few people who constantly complain about their job ever get raises and promotions. People complain when they are at McDonalds and there fries are not piping hot and ready the second they place the order. What about the people and children in third world countries who have to wait days before their next cold scrap of a meal. And so on and so on and so on. There are thousands of examples of like these. I don’t know if it is the way I was raised, my faith, the type of books I have ready, or the seminars and tapes I have listened to that help me to have perspective on the important things in life, but perspective and a positive attitude are two of the things that I have struggled with the least in my life.

If you want to transform yourself you must first start with your thinking. No matter what you want to change, whether it is your income and wealth, or your health, or your relationships, or anything, you must start with your thoughts.

To finish up here are 4 points from Wayne Dyer’s book to help thoughts become positive reality.

  1. “Your actions come from your images. All of our behavior results from the thoughts that preceded it. If you visualize yourself as incompetent in a given area, and you continuously reinforce this with a mental picture, eventually you will act out this scenario… Apply this notion of thoughts as things to the acquisition of wealth. If you picture yourself acquiring abundance, if you keep this vision in your mind regardless of the obstacles you encounter, and if you absolutely see it for yourself, then you will act on this image. You will allow this picture to be the dominant image in your mental world. You will make fifteen calls a day instead of three or four. You will find yourself saving part of your income thereby paying yourself first, a crucial step in the acquisition of wealth.”
  2. “Tell yourself that everything you visualize is already here. Remember what Einstein taught us about time! Time does not exist in the linear world-it is man’s invention because of his limited vision and his need to compartmentalize everything.” If there is something you want, you need to see it in your mind as already being yours, that will help you obtain it.
  3. “Be willing. Forget about the word ‘determination’! Forget about perseverance! Forget about personal drive! These are not concepts that will help you understand the visualization process and bring it into your life. Over and over I hear, ‘I gave it my best shot.’ ‘I really tried hard, and it still did not work out.’ ‘I persevered for months, and I still did not get what I wanted.’ The key word that is missing from these statements is willing. In order to make a visualization a reality in the world of form, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.” Also we have to remember that most of the time it is a matter of being willingto have patients and allow for time. In our fast food, gotta have it now, environment, we forget that we have to be willing to pay the dues, put in the time, and put forth the EXTRA effort. Millionaires do not make their money overnight. Most millionaires worked 30 to 40 years before they achieved that status.
  4. “Realize there is no such thing as failure. Keep this in mind and you will achieve all that you conceive in your mind. You never fail, you simply produce results. Always results. If you make an attempt to hit a golf ball one hundred yards and it dribbles off to the right, you have not failed. You have produced a result. Your concept of failure comes from believing someone else’s opinion about how you could have hit the golf ball. But in our reality, you could not have hit the golf ball any other way than how you hit it. You have produced a result. Then you either berate yourself, or you place the ball back up on the tee and proceed from the result you produced. If you do this two hundred times, you still have not failed, you simply have produced two hundred results.” Zig Ziglar says “Failure is an event, it is not a person, yesterday really did end last night, and today is a brand new day.”

It's a Good Life!!!
Greg Novak MBA

Office - 386-756-8228
Cell - 386-846-6686
Fax - 386-756-8108
Web site -

Oh, by the way, if you know someone who is thinking about buying or refinancing a home, please give me a call with their name and number, I will be happy to follow up with them for you.