Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Part 2: Millionaires vs. The Middle Class

Below is part 2 in my Blog Series on the “The Top Ten Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class” by Keith Smith.

PART 2 - Millionaires talk about ideas. The Middle Class talks about things and other people.

“What do you spend your time talking about? Your words are like a ship’s rudder. They determine which direction you are going in life. Millionaires spend most of their time talking about ideas and very little time talking about things or other people. The middle class rarely talks about ideas and spends the majority of its time talking about things and other people. I once saw a plaque in a businessman’s office that said ‘Big people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, and small people talk about other people.’ What do you spend your time talking about? Ideas, things, or people? I am sure you have heard the old saying ‘There are three types of people, those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder, what the heck just happened?’”
I talk to a lot of people every week, and as I read this chapter the more and more it struck me as being dead on right. When I go into a real estate office and talk with realtors, or I go to a business networking event and talk with other business professionals, there really are two basic types of conversations I end up having depending on the person I am talking with. When I am talking with one of the top producers in our industry, or another business owner who is doing really well, we end up talking about different marketing ideas we have been trying, and thinking about putting together to get more business, or something similar focused on ways to make more money. When I am speaking with someone who is a moderate or low producer, or a business owner who is struggling, we tend to talk about sports, or cars, or how bad the economy and the market are, or something happening in the news or on TV.
“Millionaires talk about ideas and make things happen. The Middle class talks about things and watches things happen. The poor talk about people and ask, what just happened? Middle-class people talk about things that came from a millionaire’s idea. They talk about cars, sports, entertainment, music, vacations, etc. Millionaires own the car companies. Millionaires own the sports teams. Millionaires produce the movies and television shows… The middle class spends its money on things created by a millionaire’s idea. Let’s look closer at entertainment. The middle class and the very poor are often Hollywood’s biggest fans. They live for the gossip. They can’t wait to see who did what. They are glued to their television sets… Sure, millionaires enjoy entertainment; but they don’t spend much time talking about it. One of the reasons the middle class and the very poor love entertainment so much is because they are easily impressed with fame and fortune. Millionaires choose fortune over fame. They are not easily impressed with the superficial lifestyles of so-called stars.”
The perfect example of this is all of the TV shows on the air today that are all about celebrities, how they live, what houses they live in, and what cars they drive. Shows like MTV’s cribs, or TMZ, or various versions of life styles of the rich and famous. Too many people today are obsessed with what other people have. They spend their time talking about these things and people vs. spending their time thinking about and talking about ideas, or ways to make money so they might be able to afford to live in a similar manner. A big part of the credit crisis today is being fueled by middle class and poor people trying to be like these so-called stars they idolize. They are spending money that do not have, on things that they do not need and can not pay for, to impress people that they do not know.
“Why do millionaires spend their time talking about ideas? The answer is because they understand that it takes ideas to make money. The middle class thinks that you have to have money to make money. Millionaires know better. They understand that the right ideas will attract the money they need. Ideas are the most valuable asset in the world. People who come up with great ideas end up with great wealth.”
Here are two steps to help gain greater success. First, change your thinking and talk. Be more positive. “Use words like possible instead of impossible, can instead of can’t, and I will instead of I should.” Second, “Stop complaining and start learning… Millionaires are not whiners… The words you use reveal your heart and mind… There is always a lesson to be learned when something does not go your way or when things appear difficult.”

It's a Good Life!!!
Greg Novak MBA
Branch Manager
Eagle Nationwide Mortgage Company
Office - 386-756-8228 Cell - 386-846-6686 Fax - 386-756-8108
Web site - http://www.mynationwidelender.com/

Oh, by the way, if you know someone who is thinking about buying or refinancing a home, or anyone who is struggling with or currently behind on their mortgage payment, please give me a call with their name and number, I will be happy to follow up with them for you.

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